Sunday, July 10, 2016

Coming Up This Week

With the Mariners having the all-star break I will be writing some about what they should be doing going into the trading deadline at the end of July and about the Seahawks as well since their training camp will be coming up soon. Also the Huskies and the Cougars will be starting camp as well heading into the college season. So we can see the next several weeks Washington sports will be busy. We hope that the Mariners can be relevant still so we don’t tune them out and go totally into football. I do know that there are some who are into football all the time but I am one who likes to see both football and baseball. Since the Sonics left the NBA is not the same in Seattle though the Portland Trail Blazers announced that Kevin Calabro will be their new television announcer. The games will be on Comcast Cable however I am not sure whether I will watch them either since I think the games will cost extra to see. I believe the games will be broadcasted locally on the radio by KJR-Am as well. It will be interesting to see how many people in the area will actually listen or watch the Trail Blazer games. In my case since I haven’t really watched the NBA since the Sonics left I don’t know very many players except the big names whose names are always plastered away. I am not sure whether I will watch the games in the Olympics either. 

So here we go with baseball and football for a while. Let’s go M’s and Seahawks.  Also the Huskies and if we have to the Cougars.   

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