Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Super Bowl 51

The game last Sunday February 5 was something else to say the least. I am sure most people other than the New England Patriots thought the Atlanta Falcons were going to win going into the fourth quarter.

The Falcons dominated the game for three quarters however we know that the game is four quarters long. When the Falcons scored to make it twenty-eight to three in the third quarter I figured it was all over however the Patriots had other ideas. Actually the Falcons had two turnovers in the fourth quarter almost the same manner that the Patriots had in the first half. The Patriots were able turn them into scores to help them get back into the game.

The major problem though in the fourth quarter the Falcons decided to pass the ball instead of running the ball like they did most of the game. Changing their game plan did not help out at all. It is likely they were afraid of Tom Brady which is odd when you have had a large lead and you have dominated the Patriots. The Seahawks when they beat the Denver Broncos they did not do the same thing. They continued doing what was successful the whole game long.

I guess the question will go on for many years to come did the Patriots come back to win or the Falcons blow the game. I guess we will never know for sure however the answer probably somewhere in between or both. The Patriots came back and the Falcons blew the game.

One thing we know now it will be a long off-season for the Falcons. We will see next season how much this game has affected them.  Now the game the Seahawks blew at the end against the Patriots with the ball on the one yard line will not be talked about again I expect for a while. I know the Seahawks fans won’t forget but the world may for a while. Thanks Falcons for taking it off the Seahawks back. Hopefully if you do make it back to the Super Bowl you will learn something from that game.

I don’t understand how a team can stop doing what was successful for them in running the ball. OK maybe the Patriots would be able to stop you running the ball however it would take time off the clock. Also you let the Patriots sack Matt Ryan where you got out of field goal range.  A field goal in your possession in the fourth quarter would have nailed the victory.  It shows to not to question what you have been doing. Yes Tom Brady maybe the best quarterback of all-time however a large lead that you had should not kept you from losing. Next to my beloved Seahawks best of luck next season.

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