Thursday, October 29, 2015

Seattle Sounders Moving On

On Wednesday night Oct. 28 the Seattle Sounders beat the LA Galaxy 3-2 to move onto the next round.

I have to admit that I am not a big soccer or Sounders fan because of the experience I had with playing soccer as a kid. I won’t go into details but it didn’t put on good side of soccer. I expect if I had similar situation with baseball, basketball, and football I would likely feel the same. I am glad though I had more positive experience with those sports.

My nephew Danny has played a lot of soccer. In junior high he began playing club soccer which led to playing on his high school team along with continuing on with the club team. He currently is in college, and he is playing some club soccer. He may have been able to play small college soccer however wanted to concentrate on his education. I was able to see one of his tournament matches with his high school club team just after he graduated. I enjoyed watching him play though I wish there was more scoring happening in soccer. I do know that a lot of strategy happens in soccer though a lot of scoring happens by luck. OK I know that some of you pure soccer players and fans will say that I am full of it; however, I see that most scoring happens when the ball might hit off the goal or another player. I  do know that there are a lot of chances to score goals so strategy helps in the scoring even if it looks like luck.

When I was watching the last World Cup there seemed to be a lot more setups to make goals than I usually have seen the handful of games I have seen. Of course, I do know that World Cup is the highest level of soccer as well.

I know that the U.S.A. soccer team is important for the survival of soccer in the USA at least on the professional level I think it is ridiculous that MLS teams allow their top players to spend time away from their teams during the season. It would be like if the Seahawks allowed Russell Wilson and Marshawn Lynch to play on a football team that had all the top players in the league on it. Why should a team like the Sounders lose out in a situation like this? The Sounders almost did not make the playoffs, and would have won likely more games if Clint Dempsey was available for all games. If that is how the league wants to handle it fine but if I were a fan I would not be that happy about it. Soccer is played all year long so a player like Clint Dempsey could play on the national team when the MLS season is over.

As a native of Washington State I am really glad that the Sounders are in the playoffs, and I am rooting that they make to the championship round. Another thing I think is ridiculous is where they play two games and they have a stupid way of figuring the winner out to move on in the playoffs. I know generally the games are low scoring and close but would it not be better to play two out of three matches. Anyway for someone who doesn’t really watch much of soccer or the MLS if this is the way they want to do it no skin off my back but if I were a fan I would not be happy about it.

Being a native of Washington State I do like the fact the Sounders lead the MLS in attendance every year and breaks the records each year as well. I hope at some point to go to one of their games. I believe soccer is much better to see in person than on television. Another thing a like about soccer is that the action continues and there is very little stoppage in the game. Allows the fans to enjoy the game much more this way; it would be nice if football could do the same thing; however, we know it doesn’t because football is better on television and we must have advertising to keep the sport going.

Now that I have finished really what I feel about soccer and the MLS I root the Sounders onto the championship. Go Sounders!

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