Friday, March 13, 2020

Shutting Down

Since sports seems to be shutting down
across the board what I will be writing
about over the next few weeks will be

I am going to try to write something
everyday or at least a couple times a

I want to keep you up to date on my

The Huskies lost in the first round of
the Pac-12 tournament so their season
is over. We will probably see the last
of Isaiah Stewart and Jaden McDaniels
as they go to the NBA next season.

I would like to see them play but I
haven't watched the NBA since the
Sonics left Seattle.

I am sure that the NCAA tournament
known as March Madness will be called
off or at least no fans in the stands.

The Mariners won't be playing for
at least a month. Most likely they
will have to go back to spring training
for a couple weeks. Not sure what is
happening with the minor leagues.
Most likely they are shut down as

I will try to write something about
somebody over the weeks ahead.
The Seahawks season is over however
the off-season may not go as planned.

Until next time keep up your chin.
Don't let the virus make you fearful.

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