Sunday, October 15, 2023

Huskies and Cougars Going Different Directions

The Washington  Huskies  and the WSU 
Cougars were both doing well being 
undefeated  and being recognized 
among the top teams in the country. 

Saturday  afternoon  the Huskies 
had a wild game and they were 
victorious over arch rival Oregon
36-33. The  game wasn't  even
decided until the final second 
of the game when Oregon missed 
a field goal. 

The Huskies had scored after 
stopping  the Ducks on fourth down
around the 50 yard line when they
went on a 4th and 3 to get a first
down. The Huskies took 33 seconds
to score a touchdown. It would have 
been nice to have taken a little more 
time off the clock. The Ducks had
a minute and thirty-three seconds
to score. Both teams showed are
pretty  even.

The Cougars were home as well taking
on Arizona who lost to the Huskies two
weeks before on their field. They had
given the Huskies  all they could have.
The Cougars the week before had their
first loss of the season on the road at
UCLA  25-17.

This game was more disastrous as the
Cougars lost 44-6. The Cougars scored
first with a touchdown at ten minutes in
first quarter  remaining and  missed a
two point conversation.  Of course nothing
went well after that.

 Arizona  scored ten points in each of the 
first three quarters  with a touchdown and 
a field goal. The 4th quarter  they had two 
touchdowns. We could say might have been 

Next week  it doesn't  get better as they
have to go to  Eugene to take on the Ducks.
We have to see what the Cougars are like.
We wish them the best. 

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