Saturday, August 31, 2024

Cougars and Huskies Start Saturday

The WSU Cougars take on Portland
State at home in Pullman. The game 
will be on CW in just a  few hours.
They do have much of their lineup
returning though they will have a
new qb under center. 

Washington Huskies take on Weber
State at Huskies Stadium Saturday
night. The game will be on the Big
Ten Network. Unless a despute ends
it will not be on Xfinity.  You think
this would have been resolved already.
Not fair for the Huskies fans. At least 
game three will be on Peacock Network
between the Huskies and Cougars in
two weeks.

The Huskies offense will be all new
with a new head coach, offense and
defensive players for the most part.
We will let you know how both games 
end up..

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