Monday, July 20, 2015

Gold Glove Kyle Seager

This season so far I believe that Kyle Seager is having a good season.  His defense is solid; however, I am not sure if as good a season as last year when he won the gold glove playing third base. His offense has been good but it still hard to know whether it is as good at this time as last year.

The reason it hard to tell about Seager’s season on both offense and defense is that the Mariners have not had a good season at all. We know that Nelson Cruz has played well but not Seager. I believe the thing about Seager is that he plays consistently without any real fanfare. The only time we tell about Seager’s play is when he hits a home run to tie, go ahead run, or winning the game. When I think of Seager I think of former Mariner and now hitting coach Edgar Martinez. The only real difference in the two players is that Seager bats left and Edgar batted right handed.  They both play with solid hitting with power; however, they both are not home hitters except when the opport-unity happens. What I am saying is that they hit home runs when a home run was or is needed.  Where they a lot alike is they both work hard on their craft. I am sure no one works harder on the Mariners right now than Seager. I am not saying that other players are not working hard I just think that Seager works at whole other level. He knows where he wants to be and is going to work very hard to get there. One other area that Seager is like Edgar he is a quiet leader.  He does real hard to set an example for other players especially the younger players. It is funny to say that because he still is a young player himself in my ways.

When Kyle Seager began his major league career as a Mariner he actually had very little experience as a third baseman.  The first game he actually was considered the utility player. He played most of his minor career at second base; however, Dustin Ackley was already playing the position so the chance of him playing the position was likely not going to happen. The first game of his first season Chone Figgins was the third baseman; however, the player who was in left field was injured in the first game. I am not really remember who it was at the time so the Mariners switched Figgins to left field and that began the day Seager became the Mariners third baseman. He had to work on being the third baseman since he had little experience up to that point. I have to say very few Mariners have ever taken advantage of a situation like that.  The injury to the left fielder turned out to be a blessing in disguise.   

During the last off-season Seager was awarded for his hard work by signing a seven year contract for over $100 million. We can only hope the Mariners can get to the World Series during his time, Felix, Cano, and we can hope Nelson Cruz. We all thought this could be the year. At this point it does not look like it will happen. It looks like the Mariners will need to go and get another key player whether in a trade or free agency. I see most likely would be a left fielder or first baseman. Who knows maybe another player out of the Mariners farm system will turn out like Seager. At this time we have no idea who that player will be; however, it would be nice to have a surprise like Seager. For the rest of this season we hope that Seager, Cano and Cruz can get hot at the same time and the Mariners can win several games in a row. Though the odds are against it the possibility could still happen but those three players are the key along with maybe one other player raising up to a new level. Let’s Go Mariners!

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