Monday, July 13, 2015

QB Russell Wilson

I decided to take a break on the Mariners since they are on a break themselves this week so I decided to go with Seahawk quarterback Russell Wilson.

The talk on local sports radio when they speak about the Seahawks during this off-season primarily about his contract or lack of a new one that is; he is now on the last year of the original rookie contract he signed. We can all agree that Russell has been a bargain for the Seahawks being paid around $1 million per season especially since all three years he has been the starting quarterback they have been in playoffs winning one Super Bowl while being in two. Of course, we all thought the Seahawks would win the last Super Bowl as well. I won’t get into the last offensive play of the game for the Seahawks whether a good or bad choice.

The choice that Russell Wilson has is to sign a new contract now or wait for another season. The choice the Seahawks have is to either tear up the last year of current contract or give a contract for like five years or to add on an extension for the following years. Either way Russell Wilson will be quite a wealthy man; however, the way the contract ends will depend how much he actually gets in the end.

The contracts in the NFL can be quite complicated because the amount that will be reported will not necessarily be the amount he gets. Also, the NFL has a salary cap unlike baseball, and the contracts are not in most cases guaranteed. The value of Russell Wilson the Seahawks could choose to guarantee it all or not. If they choose to do so it will set a new standard.

Regardless of the salary cap Russell Wilson will get his money; however, the way the two sides decide in the end how it applies to the cap. For the Seahawks to throw out the last year of current contract and be part of the new contract will change the amount the Seahawks have in the cap for the upcoming season, and what they can do with other player contracts. If they add an extension the future salary caps will be the ones affected.

Another issue is whether the Seahawks want to pay Russell Wilson more than Aaron Rodgers the current highest paid player or not.  A lot depends whether Wilson believes he should be the highest paid player or not. We all know though that it will be short lived because in another year or even sooner another player will sign even a larger contract most likely Andrew Luck.

We all know that Russell Wilson is an elite quarterback but where he actually positioned is a story in itself. Any way next time I write about Russell Wilson he will have a contract and I can speak about him playing quarterback. Hopefully I have to say.

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