Sunday, March 27, 2016

Open Day of Baseball Season Coming Soon to a Park Near You

First of all I want to wish everyone in Mariner Land a Happy Easter and that you enjoy having a really great day.

Yesterday of course being Saturday I went to the open house at Cheney Stadium home of the Tacoma Rainiers the Triple A team of the Mariners.  Sure made me hungrier for baseball. One older gentleman said that he was ready for baseball two days after last season was over. When you’re a true baseball fan his statement very true.

Also, I was able to talk to the voice of the Tacoma Rainiers Mike Curto. He is a very nice gentleman who we spoke Mariner and Rainier baseball for several minutes while in the Rainier’s clubhouse. I took a seat in several spots around Cheney Stadium as well. Every seat has a really good view to watch a game. I prefer though watching a game on the second level on the first base side. Of course, you have to watch to be sure don’t get hit by a ball.

The Rainiers have ticket plans beyond full season tickets and daily tickets. They have a twenty-four game plan, an eighteen game plan and a seven game plan. They were shown on the seats and how much went for. The twenty-four game plan was for a little more than $30 a game in a very good location. The eighteen plans was about $11 a game and the seats were high up and so was the seven-game plan. The seven-game plan was for either Wednesday or Sunday games only. Sure is a great way to go if you want to see a good amount of games.

I was able to spend some time on the ball field to seeing a lot of kids running around as well. I figured that if I could not hit a home run in Cheney Stadium I could hit a good solid double anyway. Though I don’t consider myself having a great arm I know I could throw to first base from either short or third base; however the runner may beat my throw though.

The weather was nice to for a change so feeling baseball in the air was just great. Today or at least this week coming up we will have more of an idea who will make up the completion of the Mariner roster and who will be playing at Cheney Stadium for the beginning of the season anyway. Remember Franklin Gutierrez started last year in Tacoma and then made a really good contribution to the Mariners last half of the season. Now he will be roaming right field against lefties at least and sometimes at dh. I am sure we will see him in left occasionally and who knows where we used to see him a lot several years back in center field for a few games.

So spring is now here, we can smell the flowers and most of all let’s play ball!



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