Monday, November 21, 2022

Gonzaga Wins

The Gonzaga Bulldogs  got back on
their winning  ways Sunday  after 
losing to  Texas in their previous 

The Bulldogs  beat #4 Kentucky 
88-72. It is good news to know the
best team in Washington wins.

My opinion  the Huskies especially 
but the Cougars to should be better
than they have been. They should
follow the Bulldogs  way of recruiting. 
The state of Washington  do have a lot
of good basketball  players and enough
to be on all three teams. The Bulldogs 
go nationally  and  internationally.

The Bulldogs  had four of their five
starters  in double figures scoring.
They were led by guard Rasir Bolton 
with 24 points. Team leader on the
season Drew Timme  had 22.

Julian Strawther number two on the
team had 20. He led the team in rebounding 
with 14. Anton Watson had 10 paints
and 10 rebounds.

Over the season  let you know a bit more
about each starter  player. Go with the 
Bulldogs  player of the game. 

On the Kentucky side they got off to a
slow start  getting behind as much as 18
points in the first half. Thet tried but
couldn't  get back into the game. Another 
concern is their rebounding.  Kentucky 
always  have  McDonald  All-American players
on their and the concern is not enough basketballs
around to satisfy them. Other words not enough

Maybe the Bulldogs will see Kentucky again in 
the NCAA  tournament in March. Go Bulldogs!

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