Sunday, July 9, 2023

Mariners Go For Series

The Seattle Mariners hsd a tough loss
Saturday evening in Houston 3-2. Like 
many of their losses they had good pitching but lacked the opportunity
to score runs to win.

I saw a lot of blame on manager Scott
Servais on social media for this loss.
Maybe he is to blame but the players
need to do the job. Many fans don't 
think Servais likes small ball. If that 
is true which I am not sure is right it
is a mistake the Mariners usually win
when they play small ball. Example the
previous two games.

Andre Munoz gave up the winning run
for the loss. It happens sometimes
though this was another  the offense 
should have won the game.

Sunday Logan Gilbert will see about
putting a good close to the series heading into the all-star break. If he pitches like
4th of July be a good end note.

The other three teams in contention are
beat up or not playing well so the
pitching continues and the hitting starts
to materializes on a regular basis we
have good things to see in September
and October. Hopefully they can pick
up another bat somewhere.

Next post we will look at the players 
before the break and what they can
do to see success. Go M's.

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Mariners Lose Sunday Again