Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Mariners Make Trade for Trumbo

I was going to write about Rodney whom I will still do; however, the Mariners made a trade for Mark Trumbo today.  They gave up catcher Welington Castillo, Dominic Leone, and a couple minor leaguers to the Arizona Diamondbacks.

The Mariners received a pitcher left hander Vidal Nuno in the trade as well.  I don’t know much about him; however, the Mariners may use him as a starter along with long relief.

In this trade means that the Mariners likely will have Jesus Sucre returning as the backup catcher; he was the backup when the Mariners acquired Castillo just a couple weeks ago from the Chicago Cubs.

The Mariners will need to remove someone off the roster since two major leaguers were traded for Trumbo and Nuno. With the return of Sucre the Mariners likely will take off one of the extra outfielders. Since Willie Bloomquist is the only one who can play shortstop right now besides Brad Miller it will not be him.

It is sort of amazing in my eyes because last Saturday the Diamondbacks were playing the Milwaukee Brewers on Fox Sports 1. I thought at the time it would be really good if the Mariners could get Trumbo. He does strike out but does have power as well. The Mariners need help in the outfield. Trumbo is by far not a very good fielder but can play there well as first base. The Mariners really need someone with speed as well so they may be looking to making another trade. It is a possibility they could be trading Dustin Ackley soon.

It will be interesting to see where Trumbo will fit in the lineup. He could bat between Seager and Morrison especially against left handers. The Mariners could move Seager up to second in the batting order as well. I believe whatever happens it will help the Mariners at the bottom of the batting order whatever way they decide to go.

It does look like the days of Austin Jackson in leadoff is over. The last few days he is doing better not leading off. He could bat second against left handers and low in the batting order against right handers. What I like best is that Zunino is left as the only hitter batting below .200 in the lower third of the batting order where before they had three hitters Zunino, Ackley, and Taylor.

With the acquisition of Trumbo whoever is batting in seventh, eighth, and ninth in the order will not have as much pressure to produce. I believe that all the hitters need to relax and be themselves.

OK now to Fernando Rodney the Mariners closer. If you follow the Mariners at all you know that Rodney is not performing up to his normal level, and what the Mariners need him to do.

There are those who believe that Rodney should no longer be the closer. According to Manager Lloyd McClendon he is still the closer.  Many people by what I have read think that Carson Smith should be the closer. I am sure someday he likely will be but not right now. McClendon does not believe he is ready to take on the task as closer. The Mariners do not have anyone else who could fit the bill right now unless it is by committee.

I see the Mariners finishing off the current home stand with Rodney as closer. It is possible if he blows any more save situations in the remaining four games against Tampa Bay the Mariners could make a change at least temporarily.

I see that Rodney may need to take a couple weeks off as closer, and get back into the right frame of mind.  I could see the Mariners using Rodney in either the seventh or eighth inning. He has been used as a setup man in the past so it would not be unfamiliar territory for him. If the Mariners go by bullpen committee I could see Carson Smith faces tough right handers in the ninth inning, and either Charlie Furbush or Joe Beimel facing left handers.

The thing about closers is that often they go downhill very fast and never recover. Rodney being in the last year of a two year contract likely he will not return next season. The Mariners could be looking into getting another closer right now. Whoever that is anyone’s guess; again since closers go downhill fast no one real good is available at this time to take a chance on.

There is a possibility that the Mariners could go after getting a pitcher who is being used as a setup reliever now and is ready to move into being a closer but is being blocked right now on his current team.  

The Mariners just finished being swept by the New York Yankees. They do have Dellin Betances who is a setup right handed reliever who throws with a lot of power. Not sure if the Yankees would be willing to trade for him. The Mariners and Yankees have a history in making trades so the possibility could happen. I am sure the Mariners would have to give up a top prospect and more to get him.

I am sure that Jack Z. the Mariners general manager did some talking with the Yankees while they were town. Of course, you could say the same thing about Cleveland, and Tampa Bay. So we can say let’s stay tuned.

The Mariners do need to look toward the future what will happen in the bullpen whether it is at closer or not. It would be great if Carson Smith could stay at setup man for a few years while the Mariners get another closer.  All this is speculation of course. Go Mariners!

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