Saturday, June 20, 2015

Tiger Sent Home

If you are a big golf fan or like myself moderate seeing Tiger Woods having two of the worst rounds at the U.S. Open in University Place, Washington had to be quite disappointing.

There has been some very good golf in the tournament; however, none of it was from Tiger Woods once ruled the world of golf. In a lot of years if Tiger played this bad and missed the cut the TV ratings would go downhill. Sorry to say that since a lot of his shots in the two days did so. He did so bad that only five did worse than him.

If you listen to some experts this could be it for Tiger or he could rebound. The two keys are his body and mind. He did look good physically so it may not be his body but the mind for sure. I played competitive tennis but not to the level Tiger has played golf; however, I know that if your mind says that you can win, and you have the talent then you win. Truly the only times I lost was when I wasn’t sure my playing was good enough to win. I expect that Tiger Wood feels the same way.

I have only played golf twice in my life time, and not very good at it except I can putt pretty good if I get to the green. Actually both times playing golf I was playing best ball among a foursome so I made the greens but I would not have otherwise. I am not sure what I would have scored playing the old fashioned golf game but it would not looked good at all. So for someone who has only played golf twice though I have watched some golf my advice whatever it is worth Tiger should take some time off, and get his head back into the game. He should look at video of his game the last time he was playing well. After that video he then should look at what he did at U.S. Open and see how he played differently. When he finished watching video then he should take a little time away to get his mind focused again. When he completes that task then get back on the course to work on all things that will correct his game. His next tournament should be one that has little pressure in it. He should not play any majors the rest of this year unless his game is going quite well.

I am sure that we will not see the same Tiger Woods again but something close would be really nice. The world of golf will continue to thrive but having Tiger Woods around would really help.

So onto round three of the U.S. Open today (June 20); may the best man win. I know that some have complained about the course at Chamber’s Bay, and I am sure most of them are those who did not make the cut but should all the majors have a challenge above all the other tournaments. That is what I really think but since I am not a golfer and just a moderate fan what I know I am sure doesn’t mean a thing or does it?

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