Thursday, August 27, 2020

Seattle Mariners Play Double-Header

The Seattle Mariner players decided not to play
Wednesday night against the San Diego Padres
as a protest for the shooting of Jacob Blake in
Kenosha Wisconsin.

The Mariners have eight players who are black
so another shooting of a black by a police officer
is close to their hearts. 

Even if the case finds the policeman of no wrong
doing it still not going to change the mind of so
many. I am not into the politics or social justice
I just giving a short reason why the Mariners and
Padres didn't play Wednesday night.

The two teams are making up the game by playing
a double-header Both games are scheduled to go
seven innings.

Taijuan Walker who pitched well in his last outing
after getting off to a rough start will be starting the
first game which is scheduled right past noon.

Yusei Kikuchi will be starting the second game for
the Mariners. The schedule time isn't mentioned.
It may take place a half hour after the first game is

With two games scheduled we will see Austin Nola
at catcher in one of the games and Joe Odom in the
other. I expect whichever game Nola doesn't start
we will see him pinch hit at some point. 

I believe the rules state each team can add a player
or two to the roster. They will be players off the 
taxi squad. One likely will be a catcher while the
other a relief pitcher. 

The Mariners will head after the game for a short 
flight to Anaheim to take on the LA Angels. It is
sort of fitting as Friday is  Jackie Robinson Day.

The trading deadline is close ending on Monday
August 31 so see if the Mariners will make any
trades. There is a possibility the first game today
with Taijuan Walker on the mound could be the
last we see him in a Mariner uniform this season.
Walker will be a free agent after the season so 
the Mariners may see what they can get for him.

The Mariners return home for the beginning of
September facing the Oakland A's  and Texas 
Rangers. After those series they play two weeks
of inter-league play. It will be the last of it for
the season.  

When the Mariners return home for September 
there is a possibility of some change on the roster
depending on the trading deadline and players 
they may want to see coming out of camp. Go M's. 

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