Thursday, September 26, 2019

Nearly A No-Hitter

The Marines sad season against the Houston Astros finally ended Wednesday night losing 3-0. Zack Greinke was pitching a no-hitter the second one of this season if it had actually happened when Austin Nola who had come into the game for Dee Gordon in the 8th inning had a single with one out then Tim Lopes followed with another single which caused Houston to take Greinke out of the game. Besides the two hits, Greinke gave up 1 walk and struck out 9 Mariner batters.

This shows the Mariners to be on par or at least closer they will need to improve in the starting pitching along with the chance of hitting the Astros starters themselves.  Next year will be another perimeter to see where they are at when it comes to the Western Division and the rebuilding of the club. I see the team doing better, however, 2021 will be the year we need to see a good improvement.

Well, tonight it will be Felix farewell game it looks like. We hope he is able to pitch well so we can have the good memories instead of going out poorly. Whatever happens, we thank you for sticking around Seattle when you could have gone elsewhere. We are sorry the Mariners were not able to make the playoffs or get into the World Series while you were here. The country deserved to see you when you were pitching at your best. We hope somehow you can get you pitching back in order. Again thank you Felix.

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