Monday, July 8, 2024

Logan Gilbert Makes All-star

Logan Gilbert was named as one 
of the pitchers on the all-star team.

At this point he is the only Mariners
on the team. Thought Andre Munoz
would be as well. He wasn't named
however could go as an alternate.

No surprise that any position player
didn't make it. We could see Julio
in the home run derby though he isn't
having a good year in that department
either. He would be a draw though.

Logan Gilbert has a 5-5 record in 18
games started. The lack of offense
his record would be much better.
Logan has a 2.91 era. He has the most
quality starts of any pitcher. The
Mariners can count on him going
seven innings often.

We wish Logan the best All-star game.

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